Attention Team “Twilight”:

November 20, 2009 at 6:57 am (Entertainers / Entertainment) (, , , , , , )

Good Evening New Mooners, Eclipsers, whatever…

It is essential that all of you involved in these God-forsaken “Twilight” books, movies, video games, and stuffed animals understand that when I originally wrote Dracula, I never, ever, had any intention of vampyres being turned into James Dean wannabees who are more suited to play extras on Beverly Hills 90210.

Seriously, I’m so pissed, I’m turning in my grave!  Vampyres should be pallid, grotesque creatures with gnarled hands and twisted, wicked mouths.  You know, like James Carville.

You’ve taken my beloved Dracula and turned it into Rebel Without A Clot

Curse You All (even if Robert Pattinson is rather hunky),


Bram Stoker


  1. Denise said,

    • jdrourke said,

      Denise, you are terrific! Thanx for this.

  2. Tinoneage said,

    Seems like you are a real professional. Did you study about the matter? haha..

  3. Jess said,


  4. Howie said,

    The Ragin’ Cajun as Nosferatu would be quite a get.

  5. Meri Holman said,

    Nice post. Keep up the good work So what are they expecting you to do, you might ask – go bake your shiny new iPhone hours at a time in the sun to get a bit of charge? Not exactly.

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