Dear George Zimmerman,

March 25, 2012 at 5:26 pm (Daily Headaches and Rage Inducers, Politics) (, , , )

Hey George Zimmerman,

Clearly, you’re going through a pretty crazy time in your life, right now;  we hope you’re getting enough sleep.  We figure it’s tough finding peace and rest when you’re guilty of shooting a young man – Trayvon Martin – to death.

Look, as we see all these political and spiritual “leaders” step forward and add their two-cents for reasons both self-serving and kind, we just want to say that there’s no real way to ever truly know if your killing of Trayvon Martin was based in part due to possible racist tendencies within you.

We can listen to moronic talking-heads on the TV and radio endlessly debate if racism is why this happened.  But when you bottom line this tragedy – and we mean really, really strip it down to what is honestly known and can be proven – well, whether you are racist or not almost doesn’t matter.  Because your other character traits are equally, if not more, disturbing than if you are a racist.

See, George – you like to carry a gun and you wanted to be a cop, but couldn’t join the force for whatever “personal” reasons… And that Makes You both Dangerous and Insecure.

And George – you were advised by actual law-enforcement people to not follow Trayvon Martin that night and yet you chose to anyway… And that Makes You both Unwise and Bloodthirsty.

And of course, George – you never saw Trayvon pull a weapon, given that the skinny teen-aged boy was “armed” only with iced-tea and Skittles… which Makes You Trigger Happy and a Genuine Coward.

And finally, George – as your fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin becomes a national story, and as Trayvon’s mother and father grieve for their dead child, you hide out and lawyer up, rather than dealing with this situation head on, like a man.  No wonder you needed a gun, George.  You do spook easily…

So please, Zim, try and get some rest.  It’s been a very stressful time for you and for your friends and family.  We know you are the one who’s suffering.  We know that if only 17-year-old Trayvon Martin hadn’t been shopping, walking, and wearing clothing – heck if Trayvon hadn’t been alive in the first place – you wouldn’t have had to murder him.

With deep sympathy,


JD Rourke & Friends

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