Dear George Soros,

October 22, 2010 at 8:38 pm (Daily Headaches and Rage Inducers, Politics) (, , , , , )

Dear Mr. Soros,

Just who in the hell do you think you are, sir?  We’re absolutely sick of your efforts to use your money and influence to sway public opinion on certain subjects, as well as flexing your power to achieve particular goals.  It’s wrong, George, and it’s un-American!

This is exactly the kind of elitist billionaire-inspired bullying that has hurt this once-great country.  People like you should take a moment to stop counting your money and instead read a little understood document called the Constitution of the United States.

All this financial maneuvering and philinth…philanthrop…forget it! We can’t even pronounce that elitist word!  Your methods are un-American, Mr. Soros, and you would be wise to instead put your vast wealth into things like Saudi Oil and Astro-Turf lobbying movements.

Have You No Shame?


Dick Armey (Freedomworks), Dick Cheney (All Things Evil), Steve Forbes (Freedomworks), Charles and David Koch (Americans for Prosperity), Rupert Murdoch (Center for American Progress and *News Corp.), Sheldon Adelson (Billionaire Pimp for Newt Gingrich), Joe Ricketts (Billionaire and Shittiest MLB Owner) and Grover Norquist (Americans for Tax Reform)

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MEMO to MSNBC Producers,

October 14, 2010 at 1:55 am (Entertainers / Entertainment, Politics) (, , , , , , , , )


Attn: MSNBC Management / Producers

Does the “MS” in MSNBC stand for Major Schmucks?  Because that’s who has to be in charge of your programming decisions!  It’s bad enough that you guys totally blow off actual news on weekends to fill your air-time with morbid specials on prison life, dead celebrities, incestuous kittens, and unsolved murder-mysteries from the heartland, but to completely miss the boat on what was finally some good news in this ever-darkening world we all inhabit is completely pathetic!

Those 33 Chilean miners had been entombed beneath the surface since Coal Miner’s Daughter was in movie theatres, and just as they’re finally rescuing the last lucky bastard, you idiots don’t cut to it live?  Look, we love Rachel Maddow, and even think Olbermann sports nice eye-wear, but for them to not immediately switch to the final rescue as it’s unfolding is fairly ridiculous.  Can we not get some happy endings from you guys?!

Even the lying tards over at Fox *News were covering the San Jose Mine live!  Sean-fucking-Hannity wisely deferred to the story, and not just so he could do more push-ups before being back on-camera.

You so-called producers could learn a thing or two from one of your competitors.  No, not CNN (although even they covered the final miner’s safe return), but that other cable channel that beats your ass every quarter like a red-headed step-network.  Seriously, pay better attention to a couple of things that don’t have to do with politics!  Like good news.

We’re exhausted with the polls, greed, lies, and kittens, and we need the occasional feel-good story, gawd-dammit – even if it comes from another nation!

Let Down and Cranky,


Desperate Viewers in Need of Warm Fuzzies and Rainbows

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