Dear Impatient Americans,

September 13, 2010 at 10:40 pm (Daily Headaches and Rage Inducers, Politics) (, , , )

To All Those Who Think Our Country’s Problems Should Be Fixed By Now:

We’d like you to conduct a simple experiment in your house, apartment, mobile home, tent-city plot, or mansion:  Grab a stop-watch, clock, egg-timer, or brown-skinned employee and have them count off 8 minutes.  8 full minutes.

During those 8 minutes we’d like you to – by yourself – go through your current residence and trash the shit out of it!  Hit all the rooms (or room, if you’re one of those lame poor people) and really mess things up.  Seriously, you have exactly 8 minutes to make your place look like a tornado, hurricane, earthquake, Godzilla, or Honey Boo Boo came through.

Once you’re completely done, take a moment to catch your breath.  Looks pretty grim around you, doesn’t it?  Well, chill out for a second and have a glass of water, Gatorade, Pepsi, moonshine, or Perrier.

Okay, now put 4 more minutes on the clock, stop-watch, brown person, whatever.  4 minutes.  Ready?  Okay.  Clean up your mess.  Seriously, clean up the mess you made in those 8 minutes within 4 short minutes…

Can’t do it, can you?  Know why?  Because messed-up shit takes a long time to fucking fix!

Now apply this same kind of logic to our country’s current state-of-affairs.

Bush/Cheney/Rove took 8 loooong years to destroy everything that wasn’t attached to an already wealthy person.  Obama/Biden just finished patching the hole in the roof, and are currently sweeping up in the kitchen and taking the empties out of the bathtub and toilet.

If you really want to be frustrated and angry with someone about America’s “slow” recovery, then find those who voted for Bush and Cheney in 2004 (by which time they truly should have known better) and give them a stern “talking to.”

Now calm down and get back to being fucking reasonable…



Patience & Common Sense

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